
Why you should have a privacy screen filter while in public

Whether you’re trying to get some work done in your local coffee shop or on the plane with your family heading out on vacation, you may be surrounded by wandering eyes. Being in public shouldn’t stop you from getting work or shopping done, but how can you prevent people from seeing your work documents or catching a glimpse of your personal information?

That’s where privacy screen filters come into play. Here are some of the benefits of using a privacy screen filter on your laptop and mobile devices.

Worry less about your privacy when working in your favorite cafe.

What is a privacy screen filter?

A privacy screen filter is a piece of plastic or glass that either adheres to or sits on top of a screen. Its purpose is to marginally reduce the viewing angle of a screen, making it difficult to see the information on the screen unless viewed straight on. In other words, the filter blacks out the screen when viewed from an angle.

This means wandering eyes should be less of a worry when dealing with sensitive information on your device while in public. That being said, you should still be aware of your surroundings while browsing in public.

What are the benefits?

They protect your privacy

Privacy screen filters exist first and foremost to protect your privacy. They prevent people from seeing what’s on your screen so you can worry less about the people around you when getting work done at the local coffee shop.

You never know who could be looking at your screen and taking note of your information. Companies have had data leaks occur due to employees simply having confidential documents open on their screen while in public.

Even when using a screen filter, be sure to lock your device whenever it isn’t in use. No one can see your information on a locked screen.

They protect your device’s structure

Privacy screen filters can be used on many devices, including:

  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Monitors
  • Tablets

Privacy screen filters also act as screen protectors as well, protecting your expensive devices from drops, cracks and bumps. After all, there’s important information on your devices that you can’t afford to lose, and a broken device can mean compromised data.

They are easy to use

Most screen filters are easy to put on and remove. For monitors, they’ll often clip on or are magnetic. For laptops, tablets and smartphones, there are removable adhesive privacy filters that attach to the screen much in the same way a traditional screen protector would; just make sure you clean your screen before you apply it.

There are more permanent privacy screen filters that use a stronger adhesive to attach to your screen as well.

Considerations to keep in mind when using a privacy screen filter

It’s always important to make sure your data and information is secure, however, there are some use cases to consider before applying a privacy screen filter.

If you work in an occupation that involves visual design work, such as video and photo editing, illustration or graphic design, you likely require a display screen that is color-accurate and high-resolution. Privacy screen filters may not be conducive to giving you a clear experience because it will change the visuals of whichever display it’s attached to.

You can opt for a detachable privacy screen filter that can easily be removed when you need to do any color work. Just make sure you’re in a relatively private area before you take it off.

Want to learn more about keeping your work private? Check out the Total Defense Security Blog.