
Conduct periodic security audits of financial apps

Given their importance and propensity to cyberthreats, take stock of your financial apps by conducting regular audits. Specifically, review permissions and access, keep all software up-to-date, encrypt all data, be on the lookout for suspicious activity, ensure a backup is in place and test account recovery.

Here’s a checklist for a comprehensive financial app security audit:

  1. Review permissions and access: Check which permissions your financial apps have and revoke any unnecessary ones. Limit access to trusted devices and remove outdated authorizations.
  2. Keep software up-to-date: Ensure your financial apps and operating system are running the latest versions to fix security vulnerabilities.
  3. Encrypt all data: Enable encryption features whenever available to protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  4. Watch out for suspicious activity: Stay alert for unusual transactions, notifications, or requests for personal information. Report any discrepancies immediately.
  5. Backup your data: Regularly back up your financial data to ensure you have a restore point in case of a cyber incident or device failure.
  6. Test account recovery: Verify that you can access your financial accounts if you lose your password or device.

By conducting regular security audits of your financial apps, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to cyberattacks and safeguard your hard-earned money. Remember, vigilance is key in today’s digital world.