Archives - Security Best Practice

If not using your computer, turn it off

Turning off your Mac or PC when you’re not using it hits several good points: It saves electricity, while reducing your exposure to malware infections and preventing unwanted manipulation by anyone with physical access to it.

Clean your internal HDDs with a defragger every so often

Defragging clears your internal hard disk drives of any useless or temporary files on your Windows PC. Not only will it help your system run better; it can get rid of some malicious files as well. You can access the defragger by hitting the Windows key and searching “defrag.” After running the program, select the […]

Follow the 3-2-1 rule with backups

The 3-2-1 rule is a great general framework for backing up your data: Back up at least 3 total copies of your data. Ensure 2 of them are local but are on different media (e.g., external hard drives or SD cards). Keep 1 offsite, likely in a cloud-based backup service.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Security tips for the hybrid workforce

October is often strongly associated with Halloween and Autumn weather, but here in the U.S., it’s also known as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). NCSAM marks a great time to get up to speed on the latest trends in cybersecurity and make sure your business’s security is the strongest it can be. This past year […]

Don’t click on any suspicious links while job hunting

Job board sites contain millions of job postings from places all across the world, but there are a large number of fake job postings as well. If a job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Check to see if the company that posted the link is legitimate before proceeding to their website […]

Check your task manager frequently

Open your task manager on Windows frequently and take a look at your open programs and programs running in the background. You can access the task manager by hitting the Ctrl+Alt+Deletekeys at the same time. Check for any programs that are running that you don’t recognize. There’s a chance they could be harmful to your […]