Archives - Security Best Practice

Change your master password to your password manager every now and then

Your password manager is essentially the storage locker for your passwords to anywhere. A password manager is usually locked using a master password. Ask yourself the last time you changed your password for your password manager. If you don’t remember, then it’s time to change it. You can usually change your password by going to […]

Log out of websites when you’re finished

Remaining logged in to a website or app is convenient, but it generates some security risks. Attackers may be able to impersonate your session ID and hijack your account. Log out when you’re done and use a password manager so it’s easy to log back in.

Change default passwords on home routers and devices

Many devices in your smart home, from your Wi-Fi router to a new baby monitor, may ship with a default username and password, such as “admin” for both credentials. You should change them as soon as possible to avert exposure to botnets designed to take over devices with easily guessed login credentials.

Talk to your child about in-game currency

A large majority of modern online video games feature both in-game and premium currency. The difference between the two is that premium currency costs real-world money, and several of them make it possible to purchase this currency with the click of a button. Talk to your child before playing an online game and make sure […]

Total Defense announces commitment to advocate during Cybersecurity Awareness Month

This year’s initiative highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity and encouraging individuals and organizations to take necessary measures to stay safe and secure in an increasingly connected world. Total Defense a leading provider of Internet security software solutions for consumers and small business today announced its commitment to Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held annually in October, […]

If not using your computer, turn it off

Turning off your Mac or PC when you’re not using it hits several good points: It saves electricity, while reducing your exposure to malware infections and preventing unwanted manipulation by anyone with physical access to it.