Archives - Security Best Practice

Turn off your phone’s “always on” display

Some smartphones have an “always on” display feature where they will show the time and date, as well as your notifications, on your screen while the phone is locked. This setting is switched on by default. Having this option on, may allow others to see sensitive information that can show up in your push notifications. […]

Back up your smartphone’s data to the cloud

Be sure to set up cloud backup for important data on your phone, such as: Contacts. Pictures. Videos. Apps. Email data. This ensures you can recover your data and information should something happen to your smartphone and makes it easy to access important assets from other devices in the meantime. Make sure your cloud storage […]

Do not disable UAC in Windows 10

User account control (UAC) is a feature of Windows 10 that prevents programs from changing anything in your operating system without your permission. This can keep you from accidentally installing a virus or malware. Every time you run a program, Windows will present a pop-up that asks you if you want to allow a program […]

Research apps before sideloading

If you use an Android device, you’ll learn that not every app is available on the Google Play Store. That means you’ll have to sideload the app, meaning you’ll have to download and install it manually. When you attempt to do this, Google will give you several warnings and you may even have to change […]

Consider using biometrics instead of a password

Every fingerprint is unique, meaning they make for a great way to secure your devices. A lot of smartphones come standard with a fingerprint scanner, and many more apps utilize it to keep your account safe. Biometrics are stronger than passwords and allow you to unlock your device and login to apps quicker. When some […]

Setup child computer safety rules

Make sure your child knows the boundaries of what she is allowed to do on the computer and warn about inherent dangers. These boundaries should be appropriate for the child’s age, knowledge, and maturity, but they may include rules about how long she is allowed to be on the computer, what sites she is allowed […]