Archives - Security Best Practice

Fight back against malware–the power of a simple restart

Ever feel like your computer is sluggish or acting strange? It might be infected with malware! But here’s a surprising weapon in your arsenal: a simple restart. Why Rebooting Helps Against Malware? Many sneaky malware programs lurk in your device’s RAM (memory). A restart clears the RAM, making these programs disappear – like flicking off […]

Don’t leave your digital doors unlocked

Just like you lock your house, you should lock your phone and tablet to keep your personal information safe. Here’s why a strong passcode or fingerprint scan is your digital security guard: Strong Passwords: The Key to Security The lock on your device is only as strong as your password. Here are some tips for […]

Public USB ports–power up safely

Public USB ports are convenient for charging your phone on the go but hold on. These ports can be a sneaky hacker’s playground. Here’s why you should be cautious and keep your devices safe: Need to charge on the move? Here’s a safe alternative: A little caution can go a long way in protecting your […]

iPhone backups – don’t forget the password lock

Backing up your iPhone is crucial. But what if someone gets their hands on that backup? Luckily, iPhones with iTunes or Finder backups offer a hidden gem: encryption! Think of encryption as a fancy password lock for your backup. It scrambles your data, making it unreadable without the password. This means even if someone finds […]

Power down like a pro – the art of shutting down your PC

Feeling the urge to power down your PC after a long day of digital adventures? Hold on, there’s a right way to shut down that protects your precious data and keeps your system running smoothly. Think of your PC as a hardworking companion. Just like you wouldn’t yank the plug out of a running appliance, […]

Time for an upgrade – leap to Windows 11

Is your trusty Windows 10 feeling a little outdated? Don’t worry, upgrading to the latest operating system, Windows 11, can be a smooth and rewarding journey. Imagine your computer as a trusty car. Upgrading is like giving it a fresh engine, with new features and improved performance to fuel your digital adventures. Here’s how to […]