Archives - Security Best Practice

Working from home? Don’t be big brothered by your tech

Working from home has its perks, but feeling like you’re being listened to by your devices isn’t one of them. Here’s a quick tip to keep your conversations private: Turn off those digital assistants! We’re talking Siri, Alexa, Cortana – the whole crew. These helpful AI buddies are always listening, waiting for your voice commands. […]

Flash drives are handy but not super secure

Flash drives are awesome for carrying your files around, but security-wise, they’re more like a backpack than a bank vault. Why? Because anyone with access to the computer you plug it into could potentially see your stuff. Plus, if you lose the drive, anyone who finds it could access your data too! So how can […]

Shadow IT—the friendly foe lurking in your company

We’ve all been there – you need to get something done fast, but the usual channels seem slow. So, you find a cool new tool online that seems perfect for the job. Innovation is great but, these “shadow IT” tools can create hidden security risks. Here’s how to keep your company safe and innovative:

Secure home office–encryption for BYOD

Working from home is awesome, but it can get tricky when using your own devices (BYOD) and Wi-Fi. Here’s the thing: your personal laptop or phone might not have the same security muscle as your work computer. So, how do you keep your company’s data safe? Encryption is your secret weapon! By using encryption on […]

Ransomware: don’t let your files get kidnapped

Ever heard of ransomware? It’s kind of like a digital kidnapper, taking your important files hostage and demanding a ransom to release them. Here’s how it works: Ransomware can be scary, but by being informed and taking precautions, you can protect yourself.

Your security chain: as strong as its weakest link

We all know the importance of strong passwords and secure Wi-Fi at home. But what about the companies you trust with your data? The truth is, your security is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Here’s why choosing security-minded providers is essential: By choosing security-minded providers, you can transform your online […]