Backing up their key applications and data is not something that many PC and mobile users actively think about it. When it does occur, backup is primarily a background process for these users; for example, Apple iCloud can back up the contents of any modern iOS device while it is plugged into a power source, connected to a Wi-Fi network and locked.
Since many individuals don’t prioritize backup, it is no surprise that only a small percentage of all computer users regularly back up their belongings. Industry surveys on this subject, and the percentage of respondents who backed up daily barely changed, going from 6 percent to 8 percent. Twenty-three percent back up yearly, while 25 percent never do it – the highest share among all collected responses.
Despite these disappointing numbers, reliable routine backup is as important as ever. If you are still on the fence about whether to invest in a backup solution, consider these three major reasons for making the move:
1. There are many threats out there that can cause permanent data loss
Valuable data such as photos and personal documents can be lost forever without proper backup. Some of the possible causes of such destruction include:
- Hardware and system failures, such as a corrupted hard drive.
- Human error, such as accidental deletion of files and folders, for example.
- Computer viruses, which can encrypt and/or destroy key data.
- Exploding batteries, fires and other unusual incidents.
The only way to be safe in the face of this broad set of threats is to regularly back up your assets to a cloud or separate storage medium so you have secure redundant copies of them.

2. Online backup is usually safer and easier than doing it yourself
One reason a lot of people don’t back up their data is because they feel like it is a complicated and time-consuming task. However, many backup services operate automatically and store new versions of your files whenever something changes.
Moreover, online backup is typically safer than local backup, at least when it comes to the technologies in use. Whereas you might keep your photos backed up to an external hard drive that could fail at any time, an online provider is bound to have redundant facilities, as well as strong encryption for data in transit and at rest.
In practice, this means your files are safe from prying eyes as they are moved across the network and put into storage. Online backup also helps you adhere to the 3-2-1 rule of backup, with three or more copies, in at least two different storage media and with one copy off-site.
3. Backup is essential in a multi-device world
The days of doing all of your computing on a single desktop PC are over. A report from Sandvine found that the average North American household had 7 connected devices in it.
More devices means a greater amount of important data is being generated each day. All of those photos, videos and other files need to be backed up so you can access and share them from anywhere. A top-notch backup solution makes these tasks straightforward and gives you peace of mind that your documents are ultimately safe.
Ultimate from Total Defense is your ticket to automatic, secure and intuitive backup on your Microsoft Windows PC. Learn more about your options in our online shop.