Archives - Social Media

Delete social media accounts you’re not using anymore

Social media is a blessing and a curse. It helps you keep up with others but can also leak a lot of data and increase your vulnerability to breaches. Accordingly, delete any old accounts you don’t need to reduce risk.

Review your social media permissions

If a payment service is linked to your social media account, your payment or purchase history could accidentally be shared with your larger network. The more you post about yourself, the easier it might be for someone to use the information you post to access your accounts, steal your identity, and more. Year-end is a […]

Regularly review third-party apps with access to your social media accounts

If you’ve ever signed into a website or another app with your Facebook account, then you’ve given a third party access to some information from your profile. Not every third party can be trusted; always review the permissions you’ve granted and revoke any that you’re unsure about.

Block as needed on social media

Social networks are full of scams designed to harvest your personal data by sending you to risky websites or soliciting sensitive information. You should block any account you think might be trying to scam you – that way, you won’t see any of its posts.

Don’t settle for default security configurations on social media

Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have a seemingly endless array of settings you can tweak for security and privacy. Don’t leave the defaults on – instead look through the options to find the ones that limit who can see your data and reduce your overall exposure. Twitter’s option to mute specific accounts and keywords is […]

Delete any social media accounts you aren’t using

If you have multiple profiles on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it might be advisable to consolidate them. Old platforms might contain personally identifying information you forgot to take down. Plus, they could be secured with weak passwords that you never got around to upgrading. Fewer accounts means less exposure to hacking as well as […]