Archives - Security Update

Update now, relax later—automatic updates for a worry-free digital life

We’ve all been there: that nagging pop-up reminding you to update your software. Easy to just hit snooze, right? But those updates are like digital armor patches, fixing security holes hackers might exploit. Here’s why automatic updates are your best friend: By using automatic updates and reboots, you can transform your devices from vulnerable targets […]

Your computer’s bodyguard — don’t skip the antivirus

Ever heard of a “virus”? Not the sneezy kind, but the creepy digital kind that can infect your computer and cause chaos. That’s where antivirus software comes in – it’s like a superhero for your device! By installing and keeping your antivirus software up-to-date, you can transform your computer from a vulnerable target into a […]

Update ASAP – how to keep your software squeaky clean

Ever heard of a software update? It’s like a digital shield for your computer, phone, or any device you use online. These updates fix security holes that hackers love to exploit. The sooner you install them, the safer you are! So, how do you know when an update is available? Here’s the lowdown: Update Detectives: […]

Software sunset: when your programs reach end-of-life

Imagine your favorite pair of jeans. You’ve loved them for years, but eventually, they get worn out and ripped. Software can be like that too. Sometimes, companies decide to stop supporting a program, which means no more updates or security patches. This software is then considered “end-of-life” (EOL). Why should you care? Here’s the deal: […]

Software patches: tiny updates, big security boosts

Ever heard of a “software patch”? It might sound fancy, but it’s actually a pretty simple concept. Patches are like little updates for your computer programs and operating system (OS) that fix security holes and keep your tech healthy. Think of it like this: imagine your favorite jacket has a small tear. A patch would […]

Ransomware – the digital kidnapper – how to fight back

Imagine your computer files are precious photos, documents, and memories. Now imagine someone locks them away, demanding a ransom to get them back. That’s ransomware, a nasty piece of malware that can hold your digital life hostage. Here’s how this digital kidnapper works: The good news? You can fight back By being proactive and taking […]