Archives - Security Update

Don’t forget to update your router’s firmware

Your router is responsible for much of the security of your network. Just like any other type of security, it needs to be updated to prevent cybercriminals from finding exploits that can grant access to your network and the data within. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is through your browser. Enter the IP […]

Check your web browser software is up to date

Install software updates so that attackers cannot take advantage of known problems or vulnerabilities. Many browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge offer automatic updates. If this option is available, you should permit it. Your web browser is your principal connection to the Internet, and multiple applications may rely on your browser, or parts […]

Beware of outdated apps

Software updates often level up your security to match the latest cyberthreats. Apps and programs that haven’t received an update in several months may be more vulnerable than you realize. Try to stay on top of your system requests, and delete apps that aren’t getting much support. You might experience glitches, crashes and failed tech […]

Manually update your OS

Devices can often have small patch updates you don’t receive push notifications for. Go into the settings menu and look for software updates. The device will check that everything is up to date and let you know if there are any patches you can download. Make a habit of doing this regularly; you’ll usually find […]

Update your new smart TV before logging into any accounts

Smart TVs provide a wonderful array of entertainment, but they’re also an entryway into your home network. In the time that a smart TV has been manufactured, packaged and shipped off to a distributor, there may have already been several security updates released by the developer. To rest assured that your network is safe, download […]

Make a backup before updates

It’s best practice to backup your most important data before any updates. If there should be a technical malfunction during the upgrade, you will at least have a backup to fall back on. An additional advantage is that you are at less risk when you update your applications and operating systems.