Archives - Security Best Practice

Establish a clear incident response plan

Prepare your organization for potential security incidents by creating a clear, comprehensive incident response plan. This plan should outline clear roles and responsibilities, escalation procedures, communication strategies and detailed steps to follow in the event of a breach. Consider conducting regular drills and tabletop exercises to ensure that your team is well-prepared to react swiftly […]

Enable automatic software updates

Ensure that your devices and applications are configured to receive automatic, periodic updates. These updates are necessary, as they deliver critical security patches, addressing known vulnerabilities and strengthening your systems against evolving threats. Automating the update process is a healthy measure: It reduces the window of exposure to potential exploits, strengthening your defense against a […]

Shield your valued accounts with extra layers of security

In today’s digital world, not all online accounts are created equal. Some, like online banking, e-commerce, and social media, hold sensitive information that makes them prime targets for cyberattacks. To safeguard these accounts, consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) and creating strong passwords. Two-factor authentication: an extra barrier against hackers 2FA adds an extra layer of […]

Enable firewall protection

Firewall protection works by either blocking or permitting network traffic — also referred to as network packets and data packets — based on a set of predefined security rules. Its primary purpose is to act as a barrier between your computer and potential threats. By enabling firewall protection, you establish an additional line of defense for […]

Create a disaster recovery plan

In the instance of your sensitive information becoming breached, a well-structured disaster recovery plan is necessary to mitigate potential damages. While the plan will differ depending on the nature of the breach, you generally want to consider a risk assessment, backup restoration and legal and compliance matters. The specific plan will vary depending on the […]

Configure your smartphone to automatically lock after a short period of inactivity

While there’s no one-size-fits-all for how long it should take for your phone to lock following inactivity, generally, the earlier, the better — though, not at the complete expense of convenience. Consider setting an automatic inactivity lock on your smartphone after approximately five minutes or fewer, depending on preference. This, in turn, will help improve […]