Archives - Phishing Emails

The Worst Malware of 2018

In our year-end roundup of the worst malware threats of 2017, we compared malware to actual biological viruses, in that both are ever-evolving phenomena. For example, you know how it’s recommended for certain demographics to get a flu shot every year?  The rationale is simple: The flu virus itself is never identical from year to year, meaning that […]

Never open unsolicited email attachments

Email attachments are risky. They might contain malware, or be so large that they eat up too much space in your inbox. The best approach is to not open them and delete them, unless they come from a trusted sender. Encourage your contacts to share via cloud links instead.

Create unique accounts for each user per device

Set up individual accounts that allow only the access and permissions needed by each user. When you need to grant daily use accounts administrative permissions, do so only temporarily. This precaution reduces the impact of poor choices, such as clicking on phishing emails or visiting malicious websites.

Use multiple email accounts

It might seem like more trouble than it’s worth, but having multiple email accounts can be beneficial to your cybersecurity. This setup lets you avoid giving out your personal email to email newsletters and marketing campaigns, decreasing the risk of phishing and spam.

Watch the subject lines in suspicious emails

Phishing emails are usually carefully crafted to look like legitimate communications. They still give themselves away in subtle ways, though. For example, check the subject line: If it includes your email address or an all-caps call to action, do not engage.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Tips for Avoiding Phishing

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). The 2018 edition represents an important milestone for the occasion – the 15th anniversary of its original proclamation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance. NCSAM is a great opportunity to brush up on your security practices and also learn new techniques […]