Archives - Cybersecurity Tips

Store data in the cloud to keep your PC running quickly

Keeping files on your PC’s local network takes up storage space which can cause the computer to slow down. You free up more data storage when you migrate your documents, photos, videos and more to a cloud storage server. This extra space will allow your device to run more smoothly and process information faster. Moreover, […]

Encrypt files for additional safety

Your PC will always be at risk of falling victim to malware or hacking, to some extent. You can encrypt your files and folders by right-clicking them and selecting “Properties.” Choose the “Security” tab, and hit “Advanced.” Then, check the box next to “Encrypt contents to secure data.” Click “OK” to close the window, and […]

Remember to delete unused apps for additional privacy and safety

Old apps you no longer use (also called zombie apps) can present a security risk because you might not have updated your privacy settings on them. Android users can go into the Google Play Store, select “My Apps and Games” and sort them by “Last Used” to see the oldest ones. iPhone users can go […]

Avoid using debit cards for online transactions

While debit cards might seem like a great substitute for credit cards, given that they don’t accumulate interest-bearing debt, they might pose a higher risk in the event of compromise. This is due to the fact that unauthorized access might directly affect your funds, and the options for resolving such issues are limited. For online […]

Avoid mobile redirect using privacy-focused browser

To avoid intrusive mobile ads that forcefully redirect you to other pages falsely claiming you’ve won a prize, consider using a browser extension or a privacy-oriented browser. These ads can appear while you’re simply browsing a website. Reliable solutions include adding an extension to browsers like Safari on iOS or utilizing privacy-focused, content-filtering browsers such […]

Ad blockers can sometimes cause web pages to malfunction

Many sites tell you when ad blockers are preventing them from functioning properly, but not all do. If, for example, you click a link and nothing happens or the page doesn’t load correctly, try temporarily disabling your ad blocker and reloading the page. If the issue persists even after disabling the ad blocker, consider checking […]