Archives - Child Safety

How to childproof your smart home

In the last few years, the smart home has transitioned from an interesting concept into a tangible reality. Devices such as voice-controlled speakers, networked thermostats, Wi-Fi-enabled refrigerators, automated floor cleaners and smart TVs are now rapidly changing the way many houses and apartments look, feel and sound. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global market for smart homes should expand […]

Consider partitioning your computer into separate user accounts for child safety

Most operating systems give you the option of creating a different user account for each user. If you’re worried that your child may accidentally access, modify, and/or delete your files, you can give them a separate account and decrease the amount of access and number of privileges they have. If you don’t have separate accounts, […]

Teach your children good online habits

Explain the risks of technology, and teach children how to be responsible online (see Keeping Children Safe Online for more information). Reduce their risk of becoming cyberbullies by setting guidelines for and monitoring their use of the internet and other electronic media (cell phones, PDAs, etc.) If you notice changes in your child’s behavior, try […]

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying refers to practice of using technology to harass, or bully, someone else. Bullies used to be restricted to methods such as physical intimidation, postal mail, or the telephone. Now, developments in electronic media offer forums such as email, instant messaging, web pages, and digital photos to add to the arsenal. Computers and smartphones are […]

Back to School- Basic Laptop Protection for Teens and Tweens

It’s that time again. The back-to-school season is more than just a busy transition period marked by new classes and purchases of notebooks and ink pens. It’s also one of the biggest tech upgrade cycles of the year, as students buy tablets and laptops for schoolwork and swap out their old phones for the latest […]

Keep your family computer in an open area

If your home computer is in a high-traffic area, you will be able to easily monitor your children’s computer activity. Not only does this accessibility deter a child from doing something she knows she’s not allowed to do, it also gives you the opportunity to intervene if you notice a behavior that could have negative […]