Archives - Work from Home Tips

Ransomware: don’t let your files get kidnapped

Ever heard of ransomware? It’s kind of like a digital kidnapper, taking your important files hostage and demanding a ransom to release them. Here’s how it works: Ransomware can be scary, but by being informed and taking precautions, you can protect yourself.

Home network defense – lock your router

Ever wonder how your computer connects to the vast reaches of the internet? It’s all thanks to your router – that box of blinking lights that acts like your own personal internet translator. But here’s the thing: an unsecured router is like leaving your front door wide open! Let’s talk about how to lock down […]

Wi-Fi woes – upgrade to WPA3 for super security

We all love a good Wi-Fi connection, but let’s face it, keeping your network secure can feel like a high-tech headache. Worrying about security vulnerabilities and password phishing attacks is no fun! Here’s some good news: there’s a new sheriff in town – WPA3. By switching to WPA3 Wi-Fi, you can transform your network from […]

Wi-Fi warriors: conquering chaos with role-based access

The digital world is booming! We’ve got remote work, smart fridges, and devices galore connecting to our Wi-Fi. But with all this convenience comes a hidden foe: security risks. Here’s a secret weapon to keep your home network safe: role-based access control (RBAC)! Imagine your Wi-Fi network as a castle. RBAC lets you assign “roles” […]

Living the smart life — all about the Internet of Things (IoT)

Ever heard of the “Internet of Things” (IoT)? It’s basically the coolest tech party going on right now, and everyone’s invited – from your fridge to your Fitbit! Here’s the lowdown: The IoT is amazing, but it’s important to be aware of security considerations too.

Make sure your smart devices stay secure

We love our smart devices – thermostats that learn our habits, refrigerators that order groceries – but with all that convenience comes a little responsibility: security. Here’s the thing: smart tech relies on data, and that data needs protection. Imagine your smart devices are like chatty friends, constantly exchanging information to get things done. While […]