Archives - Wi-Fi

Connect no more than 50 devices to a single home router

Consumer routers should hold no more than 50 connections. The more devices, the greater the security risk. If one device is compromised, all other devices on the network could be, too. A good rule of thumb is to connect your most used devices — those with the most personal data — to a second home […]

Don’t buy IoT devices from unproven vendors

The IoT (Internet of Things) is always increasing. Smart devices can range from your home refrigerator to your doorbell. For every device, however, there is an entry point into your home and your network. Check the reviews of IoT products before you buy and be on the lookout for any security complaints. The more confident […]

Toss your end-of-life IoT devices

Your smart home includes a wide variety of networked “Internet of Things” devices like cameras and thermostats. Unfortunately, many of them run software and firmware with known exploits that may never be patched. It may be best to responsibly recycle – many national retailers will take them – and get newer, safer replacements when there […]

Disconnect your smart device from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use

While it’s generally a good idea to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, sometimes they’re a necessary evil. If you do have to use one, disconnect them from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use. You never know who (or what) could be connected to a public Wi-Fi network, especially while you’re away from your device.

Make a guest Wi-Fi connection on your home network

More than likely someone has asked for your Wi-Fi password when visiting your home. A more convenient and safer alternative than giving it away is to set up a guest Wi-Fi connection. Guest networks can be left open, plus they separate their traffic from your main SSID, which can inhibit the spread of malware.

Stop auto connecting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Many mobile devices will automatically seek and connect to available wireless networks. Also, Bluetooth enables your device to connect wirelessly with other devices, such as headphones or automobile infotainment systems. Deactivate these features so that you only join to wireless and Bluetooth networks when you want to connect.