Archives - Vulnerabilities

Turn on automatic software updates

As a general rule, you want to keep your software updated so as to have the latest and most protected version available. Often, developers know of the latest threats before consumers and work tirelessly to protect against them. You can lose the hassle of having to manually update by turning on this feature.

Check to see how frequently software vendors produce updates

The more often you update the software on your computer, the better. Programs that haven’t been updated lately are easier for hackers to attack, making your whole system more vulnerable to malware. Before you download software onto your device, check with the vendor to see how often they come out with updates. Big name software […]

Don’t trust old unsupported applications

Once an application is no longer maintained by its producer via updates for security and functionality, it’s dicey to use since you might not even know what unpatched exploits it contains. Old versions of QuickTime, Windows (especially XP) and many other everyday programs are perfect examples and should be avoided in favor of new ones.

Keep all your operating systems up-to-date

Computer and mobile device operating systems are regularly updated to stay in tune with technology requirements and to fix security holes. Be sure to install the updates to ensure your computer and devices have the latest protection.

Only buy from security-minded providers

Your security is only as strong as the weakest link. Ensure that every company you work with — ISP, SaaS, Bluetooth-enabled consumer electronics, etc. — has the same strict security requirements as your home and work environment demand. Advanced security across the board can help protect you from provider-side vulnerabilities.

Check and remove unnecessary software

Cyberattackers can assault your computer by utilizing software vulnerabilities, so the less software programs you have installed, the fewer paths there are for possible attack. Evaluate the software installed on your computer. If you don’t know what a software program does, research the program to determine whether or not the program is necessary. Remove any […]