Archives - VPN Best Practice

How to protect yourself from cyberattacks during the coronavirus pandemic

The spread of COVID-19, aka the novel coronavirus, has had a profound impact on businesses and organizations across the globe. In order to help contain the virus, employers are doing their part by encouraging, or even requiring, workers to stay home and work remotely. With much of the workforce doing their jobs from home, there’s […]

Test your VPN service before making the purchase

VPNs are supposed to keep your IP address from getting leaked to the public. However, due to security flaws in their systems, many VPN services fail to do so. Luckily, most providers will allow you to trial their services before making a payment. Test your VPN by writing down your current IP address (which can […]

Avoid untrusted networks

Cybercriminals can use the internet to gain access to your computer. For this reason, use only Wi-Fi networks with WPA2 or higher security, a cellular network, or a virtual private network when possible. Always try to avoid using public Wi-Fi. Also see our article: How to protect your privacy on public Wi-Fi

Mobile Banking and Payments Best Practices

Do you use a banking app on your phone? While mobile banking is very common among some age groups – for example, 69% of millennials take advantage of it – it’s not all that popular overall, with only about one-third of all U.S. bank account holders engaging in it. Its slow adoption might be traceable […]

Access banking sites/apps over cellular or VPN when possible

It’s inadvisable to do anything sensitive on any device when connected to public Wi-Fi or even to a Wi-Fi network that doesn’t belong to you. When you log in to online banking, consider doing so over a either a cellular connection or a virtual private network (VPN). Cellular and VPN connections provide more extensive protections […]

Tread lightly with public Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi is relatively risky to use. If you must use it, make sure it asks for a password and limit your activities to secure sites over HTTPS. Consider using a virtual private network as well for added security.