Archives - USB

USB safety: disabling auto-run for extra protection

Ever plugged in a USB drive and watched it magically open its contents? That’s the “auto-run” feature in action, a convenience that can sometimes turn into a security risk. Why Disable Auto-Run? How to Disable Auto-Run:     Windows:     macOS: Disabling auto-run doesn’t prevent you from accessing files on your USB drive. You can still […]

USB danger zone – beware of unfamiliar flash drives

Remember those early days of the internet, when we eagerly shared files using USB flash drives? While they were once a convenient way to transfer data, USB drives have also become a notorious avenue for malware to spread. The Trojan Horse of Tech: Malware like Duqu, Flame, and Stuxnet have exploited USB drives to infect […]

The lowdown on USB thumb drive security

USB thumb drives – those little keychain lifesavers that hold our entire digital lives. While they’re not quite as trendy as they once were, they’re still a handy way to carry a lot of data in a tiny package. But here’s the thing: these little guys can also pose a security risk. Let’s say you […]

Public USB ports–power up safely

Public USB ports are convenient for charging your phone on the go but hold on. These ports can be a sneaky hacker’s playground. Here’s why you should be cautious and keep your devices safe: Need to charge on the move? Here’s a safe alternative: A little caution can go a long way in protecting your […]

Lock it down – keep your iPhone safe from USB snooping

Ever worry about someone accessing your iPhone data while it’s locked? Fear not, you can easily disable USB accessories, like flash drives or keyboards, when your phone is locked. Imagine your iPhone as a treasure chest, and your data as the valuables inside. Disabling USB access is like adding a lock on the chest, preventing […]

Vaccinate your USB drives

A common feature in antivirus software is the option to “vaccinate” USB drives. This prevents any malware from automatically running as soon as you plug it in. While this feature often goes by different names from software to software, it can be useful if you commonly share USB drives with friends or co-workers.