Archives - Security Best Practice

Time for an upgrade – leap to Windows 11

Is your trusty Windows 10 feeling a little outdated? Don’t worry, upgrading to the latest operating system, Windows 11, can be a smooth and rewarding journey. Imagine your computer as a trusty car. Upgrading is like giving it a fresh engine, with new features and improved performance to fuel your digital adventures. Here’s how to […]

Keep your Google account safe: add a recovery number

Ever feel a little lost in the login maze? We’ve all been there But fear not, tech adventurer adding a recovery number to your Google Account is like having a secret key to get back in. Imagine forgetting your password and feeling locked out of your digital life. A recovery number is your digital lifeline, […]

Feeling the tech slowdown? Rev up your drive

Is your computer lagging behind like a sleepy sloth? Don’t worry, tech adventurer, it might not be a monster virus lurking in the shadows Sometimes, the culprit is a tired hard drive. Understanding the Drive Duo: Revving Up Your Drive: Checking your drive type and using the right maintenance technique can significantly improve your PC’s […]

Spring cleaning for your tech

Imagine your computer as a house. The fewer things you have lying around, the harder it is for intruders to hide. The same goes for software. Less software means fewer chances for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities. So, let’s declutter your digital space: Remember: Removing unnecessary software is a simple but effective way to strengthen your […]

How to step up your Apple ID security

Got an Apple ID? Lock it down with two-step authentication (2FA.) It’s like adding a double lock to your digital door, making it extra tough for anyone to sneak in. Why bother? Imagine someone gets your password. With 2FA, they still need your approval to log in. It’s like needing both a key and a […]

Digital lifeline: clone your hard drive before it’s too late

Ever worry about losing precious memories and files due to a failing hard drive? It’s a real concern, as these storage warriors eventually wear down, like well-worn sneakers. Traditional hard drives can give up the ghost in just 4-5 years. But fear not, tech adventurer. Hard drive cloning can be your digital shield. Imagine creating […]