Archives - Security Best Practice

Turn off your Bluetooth feature when you’re not using it

Just like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth is a technology common to many types of devices that sends information wirelessly. Unfortunately, this information isn’t encrypted. It’s best to only turn Bluetooth on when you’re planning to use it, and then turning it off when you’re done.

Double-check and corroborate sources of news for legitimacy

“Fake news” designed for malicious purposes is fairly common on social media, and because these pieces are often sensational, they tend to spread quickly. There are a few ways you can be sure something you’re reading on the internet is real. First, consider the source: Are they a well-known and credible provider of information? If […]

Use fake answers for security questions

Many account recovery features include answering security questions such as your father’s middle name or the city you grew up in. But you don’t necessarily have to use real answers, which would make someone trying to break into your account unable to even if they knew such information. If you want to say your father’s […]

Don’t provide personal information to a website unless the “S” is present in “https”

The hyperlink bar in your web browser will tell you when a connection is secure by adding an “S” to the end of “http” in your browser. If the “S” isn’t present, it means the connection is not encrypted and the information being sent over the network isn’t private.

Never throw out old hard drives without securely destroying them, even if they don’t work

This might seem like a pain, but hard drives don’t lose their data very easily. If you want the information on a hard drive to be permanently eliminated, make sure the parts that house the data are destroyed before discarding it. This means destroying the platters and circuit board inside the hard drive completely beyond […]

Delete apps and programs you no longer use from your phone, tablet, and computer

Apps and programs often require special permissions to function, such as being able to access your camera or personal data. There’s no reason to have unused apps with special permissions from a security standpoint, so it’s best to delete any apps or programs you no longer use, just to be safe. Besides, many of these […]