Archives - Privacy

Social media savvy: keep your digital life safe

Social media has become a giant hangout for billions of people worldwide. It’s a great way to connect with friends and family, but just like any public place, there can be some shady characters lurking around. Here’s how to stay safe and secure on your favorite social media platforms: Beware of Phishing Scams (They’re Not […]

Social media smarts: lock down your privacy settings

Social media is all about sharing, but how much are you REALLY sharing? Let’s be honest, we don’t always want the whole world to see everything. That’s where social media privacy settings come in! They’re like little shields that protect your personal information. Here’s how to take control of your social media privacy: Being mindful […]

Shred your secrets: keeping your trash tight-lipped

We all have those documents with personal information we don’t want floating around – old bank statements, credit card offers, or anything with your social security number. But simply tossing them in the trash isn’t enough! Identity thieves can rummage through your garbage looking for these scraps. That’s where a paper shredder comes in! Think […]

How privacy screens keep your stuff private

Ever catch someone sneaking a peek at your laptop screen in a coffee shop? We’ve all been there. That’s where privacy screens come in! These handy filters are like sunglasses for your device, making it so only you can see what’s on your screen. People looking from the side will just see a dark, blurry […]

Is that email really asking to confirm your identity?

Ever signed up for a new online account and gotten an email asking you to “verify” your identity? It happens all the time. But before you hit “reply” and send over your info, take a quick pause. Some identity confirmation requests are legit, but others are sneaky scams. Here’s how to tell the difference: The […]

Be picky about who you connect with online

Social media is all about connecting with people but hold on a sec. While building a big follower list might seem cool, it’s important to be choosy about who you let into your online world. Not everyone with a funny meme or a seemingly perfect profile pic is who they say they are. So, how […]