Archives - Pop-ups

Ignore security “alerts” in pop-up ads

Some websites features aggressive advertising and tracking mechanisms. It’s common to see ads for free antivirus software and system scans, as well as warnings that your device has been compromised and requires immediate action, like calling a certain number. These schemes are invariably scams and should be ignored.

Beware the tech support pop-up message scam

Individuals receive an on-screen pop-up message claiming a virus has been found on their computer. In order to receive assistance, the message requests the victim call a phone number associated with the fraudulent tech support company. Individuals who receive a pop-up or locked screen, should shut down the device immediately. Ignore any pop-ups instructing to […]

Don’t install anything you didn’t mean to

Ads and pop-ups frequently ask that you install a new program or update. They might make their case by insisting a common application – such as Adobe Flash Player – is outdated. Phishing emails sometimes take similar approaches to get you to download an attachment. Don’t fall for them; avoid installing anything unless you intended […]