Archives - Personal Information

What to do in case of a data breach

Between 2013 and 2016, Yahoo was targeted by Russian cybercriminals to obtain private user information. This included names, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords and answers to security questions. Three billionusers were affected, making it the worst data breach in history. Data breaches are common, and nearly everyone has been affected by at least one (and […]

Location services are usually unnecessary

Many apps and websites will attempt to access your location, but it’s usually not required to use the service. Don’t share your location with just anyone, and disable location data entirely if you’re especially concerned.

Don’t post pics of your boarding pass on Instagram

If you’re taking a plane ride somewhere, you might feel like bragging about it on Instagram by posting a pic of your boarding passes. That’s too risky, though. People who see it can use the codes on it to mess with your airline reservation, or even change your contact information with said airline. Best to […]

Don’t throw out old computers without removing or destroying the hard drive first

Those who frequent dumpster sites can find metaphorical gold if someone throws out an old computer, even if it’s no longer functioning. This is because the hard drive is often intact, with all your personal data on it. Erasing the data ahead of time is generally insufficient, as all data can easily be recovered with […]

Ensure your data is securely encrypted

If you don’t want anyone stealing your personal info, make sure to encrypt your online submission. SSL and https are two encryption methods. You can usually spot them when you see a lock icon on the bottom right corner of the window. Most times, sites will also let you know if your data is encrypted […]

Look for the “s” in “https” when submitting information via a web form

The “s” in “https” stands for “secure.” If you’re ever submitting information on a web page that merely has the prefix “http” and doesn’t have the “s,” that means whatever data you put out there can be easily viewed by the other party. Don’t enter sensitive information into a web page unless it starts with […]