Archives - Password Management

Tired of password juggling? Enter the password manager

Remember the days of sticky notes plastered everywhere with your cryptic logins? Yeah, not cool. That’s where password managers come in, like superheroes for your online accounts. Here’s the deal: juggling tons of unique passwords is tough. But with a password manager, you can say goodbye to “password123” and hello to strong, complex keys for […]

Protect your passwords: never share them over the phone

In today’s digital world, passwords are essential for securing our online accounts. However, it’s crucial to safeguard these valuable keys from unauthorized access. One common scam involves cybercriminals posing as tech support representatives and tricking users into revealing their passwords. Beware of password phishing scams Legitimate tech support representatives will never ask for your password […]

Educate your family and/or team on the importance of cybersecurity

Oftentimes, cybercriminals gain access through in-house negligence — hence, awareness is key. Teach those who hold sensitive information to recognize suspicious links, the role of strong password measures and regular software updates, among other relevant factors. Notably, a strong defense starts with educated vigilance. Here are some tips for educating your family or team on cybersecurity: […]

Store sensitive documents in encrypted containers

Encrypted containers refer to virtual vaults that protect your data with strong encryption algorithms. Here are a handful of steps to consider when using encrypted containers:

Employ a diverse range of strong passwords

Maintain distinct passwords for each of your accounts and devices. Avoid using features that enable your device to store these passwords. While this may seem convenient, it poses a risk as it could provide cybercriminals with easy access to your accounts if your device is misplaced or stolen. Regularly updating your passwords can offer additional […]

Turn off information storage on your browser

Many computer users take advantage of the convenience of saving credentials into your browser so you don’t have to enter them repeatedly. This lets you instantly fill out credit card numbers and personal information across all websites. However, all this data is stored in your browser, meaning a criminal can potentially access it. A far […]