Archives - Network

Segment your network to prevent lateral movement

Network segmentation is when you divide your computer network using a bridge, switch or router. In essence, you split your network to control the flow of traffic in each separate part. When it comes to security, segmentation prevents a hacker from moving laterally across your network. Put simply, it limits how far their attack can […]

Be mindful of insider threats to company security

As tough as it is to believe, some cyberattacks originate from inside the company under attack. Whether it be a malicious insider or a careless employee, plenty of data breaches occur from within an organization. To safeguard against insider threats, enforce strict security policies and deploy a smart security system to increase network visibility. Keeping […]

Eliminate hackers dwelling on your network with a Managed Detection and Response system

Dwell time refers to the duration of time that hackers spend perusing your network undetected. In many cases, hackers dwell for hundreds of days before their actions are noticed by the victim. Companies should employ a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) platform to actively patrol their network for suspicious activity. Even if a threat evades […]