Archives - Mobile Apps

Time to get rid of your unused apps!

It’s not just about de-cluttering your closet or bookshelf, it also applies to any digital stuff you have, like your phone apps. Take a look through your phone and if you come across an app you haven’t used in a while (or ever!), get rid of it. You’ll be doing yourself a favor by reducing […]

Stay away from malicious phone apps that ask to change your launcher

Phone launchers offer more features and functionality people love. However, stay away from malware that represents itself as a legitimate launcher. Your launcher controls virtually everything on your phone, and using a malicious launcher can be a severe security risk, not to mention it’s likely to make your phone unusable. They can also be tricky […]

Be careful of the permissions you give to apps

Be wary of app permissions that don’t seem appropriate. If an app wants access to the information in your email accounts, for example, it may be trying to steal personal data. It can be tricky to know for sure if an app permission request is legitimate or not, so err on the side of caution […]

Be careful of malicious apps on smartphones

Apple and Google try to keep their app stores clean of malware, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Don’t download any apps that seem suspicious, and check the user reviews to make sure everyone’s experience with the app has been safe. Getting rid of bad apps on your smartphone can be exceedingly difficult once […]

Avoid duplicating apps on your devices

So much information about our lives is stored in our devices that it can be easy to lose track of it all sometimes. This is especially true if you begin doubling up on apps that essentially do the same thing. If, for example, your phone already has a calendar app installed but you prefer Google […]

Update your new phone before logging in to accounts

When you buy a new phone, your immediate inclination is to get everything downloaded, installed and signed in as soon as possible. Hold on a moment, though. That phone could have been sitting in its box for several months, during which time the operating system hasn’t been receiving the latest updates. Before doing anything else, […]