Archives - Mac

Use the right local data backup solution for your PC or Mac

Backing up your files is essential not only for preserving important photos and documents, but also for having recourse if your computer is ever attacked. On Windows 8 and 10, you can use File History to back up to an external hard drive over USB. In Windows 7, Windows Backup does mostly the same thing. […]

Create multiple accounts on your Mac or PC

It’s usually a good idea to create at least two local accounts on your Mac or PC – one that has administrator privileges, and another that doesn’t. You’ll want to use the latter most of the time, except when performing admin-only tasks like installing apps or making updates. This setup can help protect you by […]

Only download software from trusted sources

If you spend enough time on a PC or Mac, you’ll probably run across websites begging you to click a link or button to download a program. Many of these programs should be avoided. You can increase your safety by configuring your device to only run programs from the official app store for its operating […]

Turn off your computer if not in use

Powering down your Mac/PC when you’re not using it hits several birds with one stone: It saves electricity, while reducing your exposure to malware infections and preventing unwanted manipulation by anyone with physical access to it.

Put a second hard drive in your old laptop

If you have a laptop with an optical disc drive that you never use, consider swapping it out for an extra hard drive. Many older PCs and Macs can accommodate this switch, which provides some extra protection in case your main HDD fails or is compromised by malware.