Archives - Backup

Flash drives are handy but not super secure

Flash drives are awesome for carrying your files around, but security-wise, they’re more like a backpack than a bank vault. Why? Because anyone with access to the computer you plug it into could potentially see your stuff. Plus, if you lose the drive, anyone who finds it could access your data too! So how can […]

Stuck on login island — print your backup codes!

We’ve all been there: frantically trying to log in to an account, only to be met with a dreaded error message. Maybe you lost your phone, or two-factor authentication is causing a glitch. But fear not, security hero! There’s a handy tool many online accounts offer: backup codes. By taking a few minutes to print […]

Don’t trash your tech — securely erase old hard drives

We all have them – dusty drawers overflowing with old tech. But before you toss that ancient hard drive or USB stick, hold on! Just because you deleted the files doesn’t mean they’re truly gone. Scary, right? Here’s the deal: with some know-how, techy folks can potentially recover data from those “deleted” devices. So, how […]

Data Defenders: Spreading the Love

The key is to diversify where you store your data. Think of it like having multiple safes for your valuables! Here are a few options: Double the Protection is Twice as Nice Using a combination of local and cloud backups gives you the best of both worlds: Don’t wait for disaster to strike! Start backing […]

Spring clean your PC: 3 easy ways to boost speed and security

Just like your home, your computer can benefit from a good spring cleaning! Here are 3 easy ways to refresh your PC and keep it running smoothly and securely: 1. Fight the Filth: Remove Viruses and Malware Think of your computer like a fortress. Viruses and malware are like invaders trying to steal your information […]

Ransomware strikes–back up regularly and fight back

Ransomware is like a digital kidnapper, holding your files hostage until you pay a ransom. The worst part? Paying doesn’t guarantee getting your data back! Here’s how regular backups can be your weapon against ransomware: How Often Should You Back Up? The frequency depends on how important your data is and how often it changes. […]