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Family Safety

Online safety resources to help teach parents and kids what they can do to protect themselves in today’s digital environment

Top 3 reasons to backup your computer’s data and applications

Many PC and mobile users don’t regularly think about backing up their vital data and applications, as it’s often an automated process that occurs in the background. For instance, Apple’s iCloud can backup the contents of any modern iOS device when it’s connected to a power source, Wi-Fi network, and locked. However, it’s alarming to […]

The most common ways to contract computer viruses

Like biological viruses, computer viruses spread in highly specific ways. Just as influenza infects people via airborne droplets containing virions the body’s immune systems can’t stop, malware takes over computing devices by bypassing their defenses. In other words, viruses don’t come out of nowhere, and with the right preparations it’s possible to contain them before they cause […]

Securing your home network: Simple steps you can take to protect your family online

Hackers grab the headlines constantly these days — usually for corporate ransoms and massive data leaks — but beneath these high-profile cases, other cybercriminals are targeting people like you: users on a home network. They can steal your information, log-in details and web history, knowing your network is much easier to breach than any company […]

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Cybersecurity in the home – 3 steps households can take

October is often strongly associated with Halloween and Autumn weather, but here in the U.S., it’s also known as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). NCSAM marks a great time to get up to speed on the latest trends in cybersecurity and make sure your household cybersecurity is the strongest it can be. The COVID-19 pandemic […]

Don’t forget about laptop security before you head back to school

The summer is always an incredible opportunity to take time away from your devices to enjoy the sun, the sand, and whatever else you and your family may still have planned. But, when summer does come to an end and school starts up again, your laptop will become an important part of your day-to-day life. […]

A Quick Guide to Cyberbullying Awareness and Prevention

Technology has added an expansive convenience to our lives, especially when it comes to communication. The recent pandemic led to millions of people having to pivot to conducting business and personal activities online that would otherwise be done in person. Companies went completely online and schools switched to a virtual learning space where comments and […]