Archives - Small Business

Working from home—how to get IT help fast

Working from home has its perks, but what happens when you need tech help? Don’t get stuck waiting in a long line of support tickets! Here’s how to streamline your IT assistance and keep your work flowing smoothly: Charge ahead and conquer your workday but remember – knowing how to get IT help fast is […]

Ransomware: don’t let your files get kidnapped

Ever heard of ransomware? It’s kind of like a digital kidnapper, taking your important files hostage and demanding a ransom to release them. Here’s how it works: Ransomware can be scary, but by being informed and taking precautions, you can protect yourself.

Ransomware strikes–back up regularly and fight back

Ransomware is like a digital kidnapper, holding your files hostage until you pay a ransom. The worst part? Paying doesn’t guarantee getting your data back! Here’s how regular backups can be your weapon against ransomware: How Often Should You Back Up? The frequency depends on how important your data is and how often it changes. […]

Best practices for protecting your business from ransomware attacks

With the number of global ransomware attacks in the hundreds of millions, businesses — small and large — are promptly aiming to determine ways to protect and secure their business’ valuable information. Notably, ransomware attacks disproportionately affect smaller businesses; those with fewer necessary resources and know-how to prevent such cyberattacks. While cybercriminals become increasingly crafty, […]

Implement a zero trust security model

Embrace the concept of a Zero Trust framework, wherein access to information is not presumed; instead, verification is mandated for individuals seeking entry to resources within your network, especially those containing sensitive records. This approach incorporates strong authentication protocols, stringent access controls, and thorough monitoring, aiming to minimize the likelihood of unauthorized access. The Zero […]

Implement endpoint security solutions

Endpoints are common targets for cyber threats — particularly those lacking tested security measures. For that reason, consider implementing endpoint security solutions, including antivirus software, firewalls and device encryption, among other measures that are contextual to your organization’s infrastructure. And to further strengthen your cybersecurity posture, look to regularly update, monitor and audit these solutions, […]