Archives - PIN Code

Set a passcode on every device that allows one

From iPhones to office paper shredders, any device that can accept a security PIN should have one set up. These passcodes protect your data against theft and interception, such as in a situation in which a device were lost or stolen.

Avoid overly simple lockscreen PINs

You should set up a lock screen PIN on your phone or tablet. However, make it something more complex than “123456” or “111111” as those choices are relatively popular and would be at the top of the list of anyone trying to guess their way into your device.

Look for the signs of a fake banking website

Online banking is supposed to be safe and convenient. Unfortunately, plenty of imposter sites are out there trying to steal your information. No legitimate bank will ask for your card number or PIN during the sign-in process, although it might ask you to answer security questions or confirm via a separate trusted device. Make sure […]

Enable fingerprint or facial scan technology for device authentication

Many devices now come with built-in fingerprint or facial scanners for authentication. These technologies are both more convenient and more secure than entering your PIN or password each time, so consider enabling them for the safest possible experience.

Encrypt your Android device with a passcode

Android has never had the same reputation for security as iOS or desktop operating systems. That doesn’t mean it lacks useful protections, though. On most devices, you can first set up a PIN and then go to Security -> Settings and enable the Encrypt Phone option. Note that initial encryption can take a while and […]

How to childproof your smart home

In the last few years, the smart home has transitioned from an interesting concept into a tangible reality. Devices such as voice-controlled speakers, networked thermostats, Wi-Fi-enabled refrigerators, automated floor cleaners and smart TVs are now rapidly changing the way many houses and apartments look, feel and sound. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global market for smart homes should expand […]