Archives - Phishing Emails

Watch the subject lines in suspicious emails

Phishing emails are usually carefully crafted to look like legitimate communications. They still give themselves away in subtle ways, though. For example, check the subject line: If it includes your email address or an all-caps call to action, do not engage.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Tips for Avoiding Phishing

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). The 2018 edition represents an important milestone for the occasion – the 15th anniversary of its original proclamation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance. NCSAM is a great opportunity to brush up on your security practices and also learn new techniques […]

Don’t open email spam, delete it unread

Never respond to email spam, as this will confirm to the sender that it is a “live” address. Have a primary and secondary email address – one for people you know and one for all other purposes. Avoid giving out your email address unless you know how it will be used. Never purchase anything advertised […]

Urgent emails – think before you act

Ignore emails or communications that create a sense of urgency and require you to respond to a crisis, such as a problem with your bank account or taxes. Imposter scams happen when you receive an email or call seemingly from a government official, family member, or friend urgently requesting that you wire them money to […]

Ransomware primer: The risks and what you can do

Ransomware is one of the fastest growing forms of malware.

Don’t install anything you didn’t mean to

Ads and pop-ups frequently ask that you install a new program or update. They might make their case by insisting a common application – such as Adobe Flash Player – is outdated. Phishing emails sometimes take similar approaches to get you to download an attachment. Don’t fall for them; avoid installing anything unless you intended […]