Archives - Malware

Shadow IT—the friendly foe lurking in your company

We’ve all been there – you need to get something done fast, but the usual channels seem slow. So, you find a cool new tool online that seems perfect for the job. Innovation is great but, these “shadow IT” tools can create hidden security risks. Here’s how to keep your company safe and innovative:

Your computer’s bodyguard — don’t skip the antivirus

Ever heard of a “virus”? Not the sneezy kind, but the creepy digital kind that can infect your computer and cause chaos. That’s where antivirus software comes in – it’s like a superhero for your device! By installing and keeping your antivirus software up-to-date, you can transform your computer from a vulnerable target into a […]

Uh oh – is my device infected with malware?

Malware – that creepy software that can sneak onto your device and cause chaos. But how do you know if your phone or computer has become a malware hangout? Don’t worry, we’ve got the lowdown on the signs to watch out for: If you notice any of these signs, don’t panic! Run a scan with […]

The lowdown on USB thumb drive security

USB thumb drives – those little keychain lifesavers that hold our entire digital lives. While they’re not quite as trendy as they once were, they’re still a handy way to carry a lot of data in a tiny package. But here’s the thing: these little guys can also pose a security risk. Let’s say you […]

Spring clean your PC: 3 easy ways to boost speed and security

Just like your home, your computer can benefit from a good spring cleaning! Here are 3 easy ways to refresh your PC and keep it running smoothly and securely: 1. Fight the Filth: Remove Viruses and Malware Think of your computer like a fortress. Viruses and malware are like invaders trying to steal your information […]

Malware madness–understanding the threat of worms

Malware: the internet’s creepy crawlies that can wreak havoc on your device. But what exactly is a worm, one type of this malicious software? Here’s the lowdown: Why is Malware a Big Deal? Think of malware as a cybercriminal’s toolbox. Here’s how it can be used to harm you: Protecting Yourself from Malware: Malware is […]