Archives - Malware Protection

Software sunset: when your programs reach end-of-life

Imagine your favorite pair of jeans. You’ve loved them for years, but eventually, they get worn out and ripped. Software can be like that too. Sometimes, companies decide to stop supporting a program, which means no more updates or security patches. This software is then considered “end-of-life” (EOL). Why should you care? Here’s the deal: […]

The most dangerous malware of 2023

Malware attacks are becoming increasingly dangerous and damaging for businesses and individuals alike. For those who aren’t aware of the various forms of malware and refrain from implementing security measures, the risks of financial and reputational damage are higher than ever. Read on as we unpack the most dangerous malware of 2023, followed by the […]

Don’t forget to use antivirus software to protect your computer

Cybersecurity threats have evolved, and people often talk about using password managers and cloud backups to stay safe online. But antivirus (AV) software is still important, especially for PCs and Macs. AV software scans for known threats and quarantines them to protect your data and privacy. Here are some tips for using antivirus software effectively: […]

Total Defense awarded the Advanced Plus rating from AV-Comparatives on Malware Protection Test

Total Defense, a leading provider of internet security software, today announced that it has been awarded the Advanced Plus rating from AV-Comparatives on its Malware Protection Test. The Advanced Plus rating is the highest rating that AV-Comparatives awards, and it is a testament to Total Defense’s commitment to providing its customers with the best possible […]

Use a next-generation firewall instead of a traditional firewall

This mainly applies to businesses. Traditional firewalls have limited potential and don’t typically include features like built-in malware protection and application monitoring. Next-generation firewalls do and are much more powerful than their counterparts. As a result, upgrading to a next-generation firewall can significantly enhance overall security and better protect sensitive information from new threats.

Vaccinate your USB drives

A common feature in antivirus software is the option to “vaccinate” USB drives. This prevents any malware from automatically running as soon as you plug it in. While this feature often goes by different names from software to software, it can be useful if you commonly share USB drives with friends or co-workers.