Archives - MacOS

Discover how to secure your hard drive on Windows or MacOS

In the event of your computer being lost or stolen, it’s crucial to ensure that your data is not accessible to unauthorized individuals. The most effective way to achieve this is through full-disk encryption. Both Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS offer built-in utilities for this purpose – BitLocker and FileVault respectively. By enabling these, you […]

Keep your OS updated – including manual updates

Windows and macOS devices have automatic updates turned on by default, but there are usually updates you can perform manually, too. While optional, these updates can be very useful in maximizing the security of your devices and improving the performance of your OS, especially if you’ve been experiencing any problems that the automatic variety hasn’t […]

Make sure you only use legitimate security software

Security software is all but vital on Windows and macOS devices, and there’s a wide range of security software to choose from, many with unique features. However, there’s also a variety of malware posing as security software. Only use security software from sources you trust. If you’re not sure if security software is legitimate, do […]

Install large software updates overnight

While many updates to operating systems and applications are small and take just a few minutes to complete, others are big and make necessitate hours. To decrease delays and hassle, it’s a good idea to schedule updates overnight, when you’re not using the device and when update servers aren’t as busy. This will also help […]

Be careful with AirDrop sharing on iOS and macOS devices

Apple’s AirDrop is a convenient way to transfer files between iOS (iPhone) and/or macOS (MacBook) devices that are near to one another. It doesn’t even require an internet connection or any cables. However, it can also leave your devices open to spam. Limit sharing permissions to Contacts Only or Receiving Off to remove this risk.

Unlock your Mac with your Apple Watch

Apple Watches are popular accessories for purposes like fitness tracking, but they can also help with cybersecurity. You can unlock a Mac with an Apple Watch that’s powered on and currently on your wrist, as long as you’ve configured it in your Mac’s System Preferences. Doing so has the added benefit of requiring you to […]