Archives - Geotagging

Never log your location in your Facebook posts

Facebook allows you to geographically check in as part of posting on the site. Never show off where you’re currently located on social media. Depending on your settings, anyone may be able to view this information. Not only does it give away your current location, it could tell the wrong people that you’re currently not […]

Customize your location settings in Snapchat

You can change Snapchat’s settings so that only the people you choose can view your location. To change your location settings, tap the gear button at the top of the Map screen. From there you can change who can see your location or hide your location from everyone by turning on Ghost Mode. You can […]

Don’t show your location on social apps

Many social media platforms allow you to check in and broadcast your location, or automatically add your location to photos and posts. Geolocation or geo-tagging features on social networks is not the safest feature to initiate. You could be telling a stalker exactly where to find you or telling a crook that you’re not home.

Disable geotagging

If you take a picture with your smartphone and post it to the internet, it is likely that it contains a geotag, which is location-disclosing metadata. Keep your exact whereabouts private by disabling automatic geotagging on your device. To do this on an iOS device: Go to Settings. Go to Privacy. Tap Location Services. Tap […]

Limit location permissions

Some apps have access to the mobile device’s location services and thus have access to the user’s approximate physical location. For apps that require access to location data to function, consider limiting this access to when the app is in use only.

Update your social media privacy settings

Here’s a couple of simple steps to connect safely and navigate the social media world. Set the privacy and security settings to your comfort level for information sharing. Disable geotagging, which allows anyone to see where you are—and where you aren’t—at any given time.