Archives - Cloud Sharing

Ditch emailing files—level up your file sharing game

Sharing files via email might seem convenient but hold on a sec! It’s not exactly the most secure option. Here’s why: So, what’s the better way to share files securely? Enter secure file sharing systems with granular access control. Think of it like a high-tech filing cabinet, but way cooler. You get to decide exactly […]

Ditch the attachment blues – sharing files safely with cloud storage

Ever hesitate before opening an email attachment? Smart move! Attachments can harbor hidden dangers. Here’s why cloud storage is a safer way to share files: Cloud Storage: Benefits Beyond Security Cloud storage offers more than just security. Here’s why it’s a great choice: How to Get Started with Cloud Storage Most cloud storage services offer […]

Encrypt your data when file sharing important documents

File sharing services are major boons to productivity, especially given the increasingly hybrid workplace. Businesses depend on seamlessly sharing documents to collaborate without a hitch. However, file sharing also raises many cybersecurity challenges. Employ a file sharing service that offers end-to-end encryption; a feature that ensures sensitive data is protected from bad actors or unauthorized […]

What are file sharing services?

Cloud based files syncing and sharing services implement automated file transfers by updating files from a dedicated sharing folder on each user’s networked devices. Files placed in this directory also are usually accessible through a website and mobile app.  Making it easy to share files with other users for viewing or collaboration. Many of these […]

Use cloud sharing instead of attachments when possible

Email attachments are ubiquitous, but risky – you never know what they might include. It’s usually safer to share content via links to cloud services, since you’re not actually downloading anything onto your system.