Ransomware is one of the most dangerous cybersecurity threats because its damage is so hard to roll back; you end up having to choose between paying a ransom that won’t even guarantee safe return of your data, or possibly losing that information forever. Local or cloud-based backup can help by giving you full, restorable copies […]
You’ve got your bags packed and plane tickets in hand. You feel all set and ready for your big trip, so make one last check to see if you forgot anything. At this juncture, it’s important to think about whether you’re leaving home without having set up some crucial defenses against malware, identity theft and […]
Apple Watches are increasingly popular accessories for purposes like fitness tracking, but they can also help with cybersecurity. You can unlock a Mac with an Apple Watch that’s powered on and currently on your wrist, as long as you’ve configured it in your Mac’s System Preferences. Doing so has the added benefit of requiring you […]
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