Archives - 5G

Wi-Fi woes? Blast through interference with 5G

Ever feel like your Wi-Fi is stuck in molasses? It might be getting bogged down by interference! See, your Wi-Fi signal shares the 2.4 GHz band with a bunch of other devices, like microwaves and Bluetooth speakers. All that traffic can slow things down and make your connection spotty. But there’s a solution! Many routers […]

Switch between “G” networks for better mobile signal

Although public Wi-Fi networks are readily available in most places, there are times when people need to use mobile data. Often, we may not get a strong enough signal on a 4G or 5G network. You can get around this problem by manually switching your phone to a 2G or 3G bandwidth. Android users can […]

Understand the difference between carrier redundancy and network redundancy

Carrier redundancy refers to having more than one carrier at a time as a means of backup connectivity. If one carrier experiences an outage, then the second carrier comes online to pick up the connection. Network redundancy means having more than one type of connection available at one time. Normally, this means having a ground-up […]

Disable mobile connectivity technologies you don’t use

While faster than 4G LTE, 5G has to function in addition to 4G LTE connectivity, meaning having both on at the same time can rapidly drain your battery. Many mobile devices these days support 5G technology and have it on by default, but not every area is covered by 5G. If you’re in an area […]

Explore mmWave 5G as an alternative to public Wi-Fi hotspots

If you have a phone that supports mmWave 5G (e.g., iPhone 12 and later) along with an ample data plan, it can be a good alternative to public Wi-Fi hotspots in dense areas. Not only is it much faster, but it’s also more secure, since there isn’t the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks. Just be mindful […]

What to look for in a 5G laptop when you upgrade your work-from-home equipment

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly hastened the trend toward working from home (WFH). As employees across the country adapt to remote working environments, some users may have become a bit uncertain about their tech options. If you find yourself looking for an upgrade when it comes to your home office equipment, consider how the 5G […]